In light of these findings, we ask why do large ganglion cell types lose their antagonistic surround, and what benefit might the switch-like change in receptive field structure convey for the individual cell, as well as for the mosaic as a whole? As for the individual cell, we showed that the luminance-dependent changes in the organization of the receptive fields of two large cells (PV1 and PV6) switched DAPT purchase at a critical light level, while that of two smaller cells (PV0 and
PV2) did not. For some cells, the loss of inhibitory input would eliminate the fundamental response properties that define their function. For example, direction-selective ganglion cells are unable to discriminate direction when their inhibitory inputs are blocked (Caldwell et al., 1978; Fried et al., 2002). For small ganglion cells with center-surround receptive fields, an increase in integration area may not be a significant advantage. However, ganglion cells with large receptive field areas are well designed to detect objects when the photon count is low (low acuity, high sensitivity). For large cells, a loss of antagonistic surround would increase the area from which they could gather photons, making the cell more sensitive to photons arriving within their receptive field. Interestingly, one
type of faintly melanopsin-positive KU55933 cell, M4, has a morphology that is similar to PV1 cells (Ecker et al., 2010; Estevez et al., 2012). If the two cell types are indeed the same, an intriguing possibility is that during evolution, a class of melanopsin not cells acquired input from a special type of wide-field amacrine cell that conferred to it new spatial processing properties. The loss of antagonistic surround may also have benefits for the mosaic as a whole. The contrast sensitivity of the rod pathways is thought to be lower than that of the cone pathway. This leads to a sparser encoding of the visual scene in low light levels forming
contiguous blank neuronal representations in the rod pathways. An increased overlap between neighboring cells’ receptive fields would allow the ganglion cell mosaic to interpolate between neighboring high-contrast features (Cuntz et al., 2007; Seung and Sompolinsky, 1993). This difference in contrast sensitivity between rod and cone pathways may explain why the transition between the two circuit states is switch-like and not continuous. We found that the change in spatial integration properties of PV1 cells occurs over a small luminance change (0.07 log unit), as compared to the more than three log unit range of intensities typical of many natural scenes (Geisler, 2008; Mante et al., 2005; Rieke and Rudd, 2009). In addition, the spatial integration properties of the PV1 cell could be toggled quickly as the light level was switched above and below the threshold light level.