To address this possibility, we determined the sensitivity of LAX

To address this possibility, we determined the sensitivity of LAX12 and LAX16 to ampicillin, streptomycin, spectinomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, nalidixic acid, rifampicin, erythromycin and acriflavin. Both mutants showed the same

susceptibility to the antibiotics tested as did MLA301, which suggested that the dysfunction in the mutants was distinct from a loss-of-function mutation in the antibiotic efflux system(s). Several amino acid exporters have been shown to transport not only their primary amino acid substrates but also other amino acids including their analogs (Zakataeva et al., 1999; Daßler et al., 2000; Franke et al., 2003; Livshits et al., 2003; Kutukova et al., 2005). We thus determined the intracellular amino acid levels in the parent MLA301 and the mutant LAX12 in the presence of l-alanyl-glycine, l-alanyl-l-leucine or l-alanyl-l-phenylalanine Fluorouracil nmr (1 mM each). LAX12 showed a Apoptosis Compound Library higher level of intracellular l-alanine than MLA301; however, the intracellular level of each of the other amino acids contained in the dipeptides, glycine, l-leucine and l-phenylalanine, was almost the same for MLA301 and LAX12 (data not shown). The results indicated that the l-alanine export system, the function of which has been lost in LAX12, does not share substrate specificity for glycine, l-leucine and l-phenylalanine. Because there is no evidence that previously

identified l-leucine and aromatic amino acid exporters transport l-alanine (Kutukova et al., 2005; Doroshenko et al., 2007), it is most

probable that the newly identified l-alanine export system is distinct from those amino acid exporters. To our knowledge, the l-alanine export system found in this study is the first documented system that exports l-alanine as a preferential substrate. The mutants obtained in this study should be useful for further characterization of the l-alanine efflux system(s) and identification of MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit the gene(s) encoding l-alanine exporter(s). “
“Pseudomonas fluorescens BM07 is known to produce cold-induced exobiopolymer, which is mainly composed of water-insoluble hydrophobic polypeptides (up to 85%) and saccharides (8%), by decreasing the culture temperature down to as low as 10 °C. We screened for transposon insertion mutants of P. fluorescens BM07 that were unable to produce the exobiopolymer. Among the eight mutants that showed the deficiency of exobiopolymer and O-lipopolysaccharide, one mutant BM07-59 that had the highest polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production was selected. The transposon inserted gene in BM07-59 was identified as galU. The disruption of the gene galU coded for the putative product, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (GalU), resulted in 1.5-fold more accumulation of PHA compared with the wild-type strain from 70 mM fructose or galactose at 30 °C. Electrophoretic analysis of lipopolysaccharide showed that the mutant lacked the O-antigen lipopolysaccharide bands.

The findings of this study stress the importance of promoting mig

The findings of this study stress the importance of promoting migrant-sensitive health care. There are two types of HIV, HIV-1 and HIV-2, and both entered the human population as a result of zoonotic transmission [1]. However, HIV-2 infection differs from HIV-1 infection MAPK Inhibitor Library screening in many respects. Although the modes of transmission

are the same as for HIV-1, the frequency of transmission is lower; the rates of sexual and vertical transmission are around 5–9 times and 10–20 times lower, respectively, than for HIV-1 [2, 3]. HIV-2-infected patients usually exhibit a slower disease progression and a higher proportion are long-term nonprogressors [4-6]. Experience with antiretroviral therapy is limited; when to start and which antiretroviral regimen to choose are still poorly defined. The natural resistance of HIV-2 to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and the absence of a gold standard method for quantification of plasma HIV-2 RNA are other important limitations in the clinical management of HIV-2-infected patients [7-9]. HIV-2 is not considered a global public health problem: while HIV-1 has spread globally, HIV-2 has remained mainly concentrated in West Africa and to a much lesser extent in Europe (primarily Portugal and France) [10, 11]. However, HIV-2 infection provides a unique opportunity to

study the pathogenesis of HIV infection in humans, and valuable EPZ5676 solubility dmso insights can be gained into HIV-1 from studies of HIV-2 [6]. Further, HIV-2 infection is an example of the impact of population mobility on the epidemiology of an infectious disease. In an increasingly globalized world, migration and population mobility will continue to challenge national disease prevention programmes and to demand new approaches as far as health services planning is concerned [12, 13]. Portugal has one of the highest estimated incidence Inositol monophosphatase 1 levels of HIV infection in Western

Europe, with the epidemic having mainly been driven by injecting drug use. During the last decade, however, sexual transmission has been reported as the predominant mode of transmission. Also, recently a clear decline was observed in both the number of reported AIDS cases (new cases halved from 961 in 2003 to 433 in 2009) and AIDS mortality (from 1000 deaths in 2001 to 708 in 2008) [14]. Although >95% of ever-notified HIV cases were HIV-1, Portugal is the European country with the highest prevalence of HIV-2 infection. Further, regions historically linked to Portugal, such as Angola, Mozambique, India and Brazil, have a higher frequency of HIV-2 infection than other countries [10, 11]. Since 1989, virus subtyping has been performed routinely in Portugal. HIV (type 1 or 2) diagnoses were reported to a national surveillance department on a voluntary basis until 2005, when notification became mandatory.


per year The main alternative to islet transp


per year. The main alternative to islet transplantation is whole pancreas transplantation, which also has a five-year graft survival rate of 50%, but much higher insulin independence rates. However, this is associated with significantly higher surgical morbidity. Islet transplantation is very safe, the main risks being related to immunosuppression. We have a lot of experience with these drugs in solid organ transplantation. The main risk is a 4% excess risk of skin cancers, the majority of which are curable. It is important for hypoglycaemia status to be assessed in all patients with type 1 diabetes, so that those with problematic severe hypoglycaemia can be identified. In these patients, islet transplantation can offer potential normalisation of Natural Product Library research buy blood glucose with complete resolution of hypoglycaemia. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons. “
“Evaluation of diabetes education is difficult. This is particularly so when a beneficial clinical outcome may be seen as just a result of good clinical care. The added value of an approach to care using diabetes education concepts is then difficult to see. We believe our diabetes specialist care inpatient team does not only

provide focused regular care to patients; the team also intends to educate patients, non-specialist health care professionals, and ourselves. We have used audit standards derived from the questions and answers of the National Diabetes Inpatient Audits (NDIAs) for 2009–2011 to evaluate our performance as diabetes educators in the inpatient setting of a small district general hospital in Hydroxychloroquine supplier Wessex. The results are favourable. Likewise, we have compared the performance in the 2010 NDIA of five acute trusts, including our own in Wessex, relating diabetes nurse specialist time available, and the presence of a dedicated team, to quality outcomes. Finally, we discuss some broad concepts of delivering diabetes education to inpatients and non-specialist health

care professionals, trained or in training; we also buy Cetuximab suggest some possible modifications to the NDIA to strengthen its use as an evaluation tool for diabetes education in the inpatient setting in secondary care. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons. “
“This 81-year-old man with a history of type 2 diabetes presented with a cramping right arm, trismus, stiffness in the jaw, swallowing and breathing difficulties. He developed respiratory failure shortly after admission so was intubated on the intensive therapy unit where he received tetanus immunoglobulin and a course of metronidazole. Kilic et al. compared the level of tetanus antitoxin between patients with type 2 diabetes and healthy controls. They found a statistically significant difference between the groups, with people with diabetes having lower antitoxin levels.

A vernier consists of two vertical bars that are horizontally off

A vernier consists of two vertical bars that are horizontally offset. When the two verniers are separated by a blank

screen (interstimulus interval, ISI), the two verniers are perceived either as two separate entities or as one vernier with the offset moving from one side to the other depending on the ISI. In both cases, their offsets can be reported independently. Transcranial magnet stimulation (TMS) over the occipital cortex does not interfere with the offset discrimination of either vernier. click here When a grating, instead of the ISI, is presented, the two verniers are not perceived separately anymore, but as ‘one’ vernier with ‘one’ fused vernier offset. TMS strongly modulates the percept of the fused vernier offset even though the spatio-temporal position of the verniers is identical in the ISI and grating conditions. We suggest that the grating suppresses the termination signal mTOR inhibitor of the first vernier and the onset signal of the second vernier. As a consequence, perception of the individual verniers is suppressed. Neural representations of the vernier and second vernier inhibit each other, which renders them vulnerable to TMS for at least 300 ms, even though stimulus presentation was only 100 ms. Our data suggest that stimulus features can be flexibly integrated in the occipital cortex, mediated by neural interactions

with outlast stimulus presentations by far. “
“Archer fish are known for their unique hunting method, where one fish in a group shoots down an insect with a jet of water while all the other fish are observing the prey’s motion.

To reap its reward, the archer fish must reach the prey before its competitors. This requires fast computation of the direction of motion of the prey, which enables the fish to initiate a turn towards the prey with an accuracy of 99%, at about 100 ms after the prey is shot. We explored the hypothesis that direction-selective see more retinal ganglion cells may underlie this rapid processing. We quantified the degree of directional selectivity of ganglion cells in the archer fish retina. The cells could be categorized into three groups: sharply (5%), broadly (37%) and non-tuned (58%) directionally selective cells. To relate the electrophysiological data to the behavioral results we studied a computational model and estimated the time required to accumulate sufficient directional information to match the decision accuracy of the fish. The computational model is based on two direction-selective populations that race against each other until one reaches the threshold and drives the decision. We found that this competition model can account for the observed response time at the required accuracy. Thus, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the fast response behavior of the archer fish relies on retinal identification of movement direction.

, 2000; Park et al, 2003; Tanaka, 2004; Wanner, 2006; St-Onge et

, 2000; Park et al., 2003; Tanaka, 2004; Wanner, 2006; St-Onge et al., 2008; AG-014699 in vitro Zhao et al., 2008). Scab disease harms a broad range of root crops, including potato, sweet potato, radish, carrot, sugar beet, and burdock (Loria et al., 1997), with potato scab disease especially causing large economic losses. Diseased potato tubers exhibit characteristic dark-brown, corky lesions. The ugly symptoms of the disease reduce the market value of crops,

causing economic difficulties for potato producers. The causative agents of potato scab disease are multiple species of the genus Streptomyces. Streptomyces scabiei, Streptomyces acidiscabiei, and Streptomyces turgidiscabiei are the most studied and well-known causal agents (Lambert & Loria, 1989a, b; Miyajima et al., 1998; Kers et al., 2005). To date, these are the only three species of potato scab pathogens reported in Japan. Recent studies

have shown a correlation between the amounts of these pathogens in soils and the incidence of the disease (Koyama et al., 2006; Manome et al., 2008), suggesting that decreasing the quantity of the pathogens in soils could mitigate scab disease damage. Over the decades, physicochemical approaches have been applied to control pathogens and scab disease. For example, methods to reduce soil pH were conventionally used to suppress the disease by inhibiting pathogen growth (Lacey & Wilson, 2001). Soil fumigation using agents Epigenetics Compound Library clinical trial such as chloropicrin (trichloronitromethane), which is detrimental to animal and human health (Ristaino & Averre, 1992), was also adopted to control potato scab disease. Biological control using antagonistic microorganisms is a sustainable and environmentally acceptable management method for numerous pathogens (Punja & Utkhede, 2003; Tian et al., 2007). In the case of potato scab disease, previous studies have mainly focused on antagonists against S. scabiei. Several Streptomyces sp. have cAMP been shown to inhibit the growth of S. scabiei (Hayashida et al., 1988; Lorang et al., 1995; Beausejour et al., 2003). Bacillus sp. was also revealed to inhibit the growth and sporulation

of S. scabiei by secreting extracellular compounds (Han et al., 2005). McKenna et al. (2001) reported biological control using a bacteriophage infecting S. scabiei. However, there has only been one report of antagonists against S. turgidiscabiei (Hiltunen et al., 2009), and little is known about antagonists against S. acidiscabiei. In addition, as far as we know, no reports have revealed a fungal antagonist against potato scab pathogens. Fungi are common inhabitants of soil environments, and are generally easy to handle and mass-produce. For this reason, many biological agents using fungi are commercially available for the control of plant diseases, although potato scab disease is not one of them (Punja & Utkhede, 2003; Fravel, 2005; Han et al., 2005). It is also significant that fungi tend to be more resistant than bacteria to acidic conditions (Thompson et al.

Only 10% of the overall discontinuations observed were because of

Only 10% of the overall discontinuations observed were because of failure; the short follow-up time might have limited the observation of treatment modification due to failure not occurring as a consequence of intolerance/toxicity or poor adherence. The fact that the reason for discontinuation was determined by the clinician and, as such, was a subjective measure might be seen as a limitation.

However, it was the objective of our analysis to use the clinical perception of the main reason for discontinuation to define the study endpoints. Nevertheless, when we defined discontinuation because of failure on the basis of a viral load >500 copies/mL, or an increase in CD4 cell count MK-2206 datasheet of <10% from a patient's pre-therapy value or the occurrence of an AIDS-defining illness, the analysis produced results that were very similar to those of the main analysis. Not surprisingly, we found that patients who started therapy with a nonconventional regimen (‘other regimen’) were more likely to

have treatment discontinuation for any reason and for each specific reason than those starting with a standard combination. In conclusion, it seems important to evaluate reason-specific trends in the incidence of discontinuation in order to better understand the determinants of changes over time. The incidence of discontinuation because of intolerance/toxicity has declined over time, Trametinib while simplification strategies have become more frequent in recent years. Despite the fact that drug tolerability has improved and currently available regimens have a reduced pill burden, intolerance/toxicity remains the major cause of drug discontinuation. As reported in our previous study, we confirm that women and HCV-coinfected patients in our cohort are at higher risk of discontinuing HAART. The ICoNA Foundation Study is supported by unrestricted educational grants from Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, GSK, Pfizer and Janssen-Cilag. Governing body M. Moroni (Chair), G. Carosi, R. Cauda, F. Chiodo, A. d’Arminio Monforte, G. Di Perri, M. Galli, R. Iardino, G. Ippolito,

A. Lazzarin, F. Mazzotta, R. Panebianco, G. Pastore and C. F. Perno. Steering committee A. Ammassari, A. Antinori, C. Arici, Decitabine C. Balotta, P. Bonfanti, M. R. Capobianchi, A. Castagna, F. Ceccherini-Silberstein, A. Cozzi-Lepri, A. d’Arminio Monforte, A. De Luca, C. Gervasoni, E. Girardi, S. Lo Caputo, F. Maggiolo, R. Murri, C. Mussini, M. Puoti and C. Torti. Participating physicians and centres Italy: M. Montroni, G. Scalise, A. Costantini, A. Riva (Ancona); U. Tirelli, F. Martellotta (Aviano-PN); G. Pastore, N. Ladisa (Bari); F. Suter, F. Maggiolo (Bergamo); F. Chiodo, G. Verucchi, C. Fiorini (Bologna); G. Carosi, G. Cristini, C. Torti, C. Minardi, D. Bertelli (Brescia); T. Quirino (Busto Arsizio); P. E. Manconi, P. Piano (Cagliari); E. Pizzigallo, M.

This study examined the association of CAM use with adherence to

This study examined the association of CAM use with adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and CD4 count. Methods  The study was conducted in two HIV clinics: one in a semi-urban, the other in a rural area. Adherence to ART was assessed using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS). Data on type of CAM used and MMAS adherence were collected by patient interview and demographic; clinical data were collected from hospital records. Results  Altogether 212 HIV patients participated in the exit study conducted over 3 months. Almost half (47.9%) used CAM

concurrently with antiretroviral drugs. Dietary supplements (40.3%), healing systems (36.5%) and exercise (23.2%) were mainly used. The use of CAM significantly lowered adherence to ART (89.4% in non-CAM users versus 82.5% in CAM users, P = 0.01). Improvement in CD4 count was less in patients using CAM compared

LDE225 research buy to non-CAM users although the difference was not statistically significant (310.5 ± 294.0 cells/L in CAM users versus 224.5 ± 220.0 cells/L in non-CAM users, P = 0.13). Patients attending the rural HIV clinic were more likely to use CAM compared to patients attending semi-urban hospital (χ2 test = 7.0; P < 0.01). Conclusion  Use of CAM could lower adherence to antiretroviral therapy. There is need to develop protocol which could help in monitoring CAM use in HIV patients especially those from rural settings. R428 nmr
“Objective  To elucidate the various patterns in drug prescribing in a non-Ministry of Health-affiliated primary healthcare centre model (Riyadh Kharj Military Hospital) in Saudi Arabia. Methods  A retrospective analysis of pharmacy records of the Riyadh Kharj Military Hospital was undertaken. A total of 4781 prescriptions Bcl-w archived over a period of 6 months (January–June 2001) were statistically analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Number, types, therapeutic duration and distribution of drugs were evaluated. Age distribution and documentation

adequacy were also reviewed and monitored. Therapeutic classification of drugs was carried out according to the British National Formulary system. Key findings  Of the total prescriptions, 47.8% were for male patients and 50.1% for females. Prescriptions for the paediatric population accounted for 19.5% whereas 13.7% of drugs were prescribed to the geriatric cohort. A mean of 2.7 ± 1.6 drugs were prescribed per patient. In multidrug prescriptions, 32.3% contained two drugs and 22.1% prescriptions had four drugs or more. Mono-drug prescriptions accounted for 21.6% of prescriptions. Paracetamol (13.9%) was the most commonly prescribed drug followed by multivitamins and cough syrups with 5.0 and 3.7%, respectively. The most common therapeutic classes of drugs prescribed were analgesics, antipyretics, antihistamines, and vitamins and minerals, making up a third of all prescriptions. Dosage form, dose and routes of administration were not present in 21.7, 8.8 and 99.6%, respectively.

Hoechst 35,528 (Sigma, St Louis, MA, USA), a nuclear dye, was app

Hoechst 35,528 (Sigma, St Louis, MA, USA), a nuclear dye, was applied to reveal tissue architecture. Tissue autofluorescence in sections from adult buy Dactolisib mouse and primate brains was quenched with Sudan Black B (Schnell et al., 1999). Sections were inspected and representative images of immunoreactivity were acquired on a Zeiss 710LSM confocal laser-scanning microscope (Zeiss, Jena, Germany) equipped to separate emission signals through spectral detection and

unmixing. Emission spectra for each dye was limited as follows: Hoechst (420–485 nm), Cy2 (505–530 nm), Cy3 (560–610 nm) and Cy5 (640-720 nm). Image surveys were generated using the tile scan function with optical zoom varied from 0.6× to 1.5× at 10× primary magnification (objective: EC Plan-Neofluar 10×/0.30). Co-localization was defined as immunosignals being preset without physical signal separation in ≤ 1.0-μm optical slices at 40× (Plan-Neofluar 40×/1.30) or 63× (Plan-Apochromat 63×/1.40) primary magnification (Mulder et al., 2009b). Images were processed using the ZEN2009 software (Zeiss). Multi-panel

figures were assembled in CorelDraw X3 (Corel Corp., Ottawa, ON, Canada). The diameter of scgn+ neurons was measured after capturing images of scgn+ cell assemblies in pallidal and EA territories at 40× primary magnification. The somatic diameter of individual neurons was measured on the premise that scgn is a cytosolic protein (Attems see more et al., 2007) and is homogenously distributed throughout the neuronal perikarya. Only neurons with smooth surfaces and processes were included in our analysis to avoid bias due to partial profiles of cell fragments. Serial coronal sections (sampling interval, 140 μm) spanning the entire forebrain from an E15 mouse were double-labelled to reveal scgn+ neurons and cell nuclei (Hoechst 35,528). Single x-y plane images were acquired (Zeiss 710LSM), and 3-D-reconstructed using the BioVis3D software (BioVis3D, Montevideo, Uruguay). Data are expressed as means ± SEM and analyzed using Student’s t-test (spss

v.16.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A P-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Human fetal specimens at mid-gestation (21–22 weeks of gestation; n = 3) were obtained from saline-induced abortions (Wang et al., 2004; Hurd et al., 2005). Protocols were approved by the local institutional review board (Institutional Review Boards of Kings County Hospital Center and Downstate Medical Center, State University of New York) as part of a large-scale study to evaluate the molecular effects of prenatal drug exposure on human neurodevelopment (Hurd et al., 2005). Specimens were fixed in 1% PFA and frozen at −80°C. Coronal cryosections (20 μm) spanning corticolimbic areas including the amygdaloid complex were cut. In situ hybridization was conducted as described (Wang et al.

We have previously reported high retention

We have previously reported high retention Carfilzomib rates among all groups attending for HIV care in England and Wales, with those recently diagnosed and black African women more likely to be lost to follow-up over a 5-year study period [13]. The extent of and reasons for loss to follow-up were also the subject of a recent BHIVA audit [19]. There are several limitations to our study.

While CD4 counts were not available for all adults, the HIV diagnoses included in the analyses were comprehensive, and the characteristics of those with missing data were similar to those included in the analyses, reducing the likelihood of potential selection biases. CD4 count date was used as a proxy for linkage to HIV care; however, it is possible that some of these tests were conducted at the time of confirmation of a diagnosis within sexual health clinics. To allow for this possibility, we conducted sensitivity analyses that excluded persons who had a CD4 test date within 4 days of HIV diagnosis; this resulted in a similar proportion of entry into care ITF2357 datasheet (data not shown). Further reassurance is provided by the high rate of retention in 2011 among patients diagnosed in 2010. The quality of HIV care delivered through the NHS is excellent. High treatment coverage has significant individual

and public health benefits, including the reduction of onward transmission. The reduction of late presentation of HIV infection (and thereby reducing undiagnosed CHIR-99021 ic50 infections) through greater awareness and promotion of HIV testing in a wider range of settings remains critical in reducing ill health and onward transmission. The monitoring of late diagnosis and standards of HIV care is essential to the planning and allocation of health services resources, and the evaluation of clinical and public health guidelines. None of the authors have and conflicts of interest to

declare. “
“Oral complications associated with HIV infection and with the antiretroviral drugs used to treat it are of increasing concern in HIV-infected patients. Protease inhibitors have been shown to change the proliferation and differentiation state of oral tissues but the effect of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors is currently unknown. This study examined the effect of zidovudine on the growth and differentiation of the gingival epithelium. Gingival keratinocyte organotypic (raft) cultures were established. The raft cultures were treated with a range of zidovudine concentrations. Haematoxylin and eosin staining was performed to examine the effect of zidovudine on gingival epithelium growth and stratification. Raft cultures were immunohistochemically analysed to determine the effect of this drug on the expression of key differentiation and proliferation markers, including cytokeratins and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA).

Travel medicine is a burgeoning

international field requi

Travel medicine is a burgeoning

international field requiring up-to-date information on the epidemiology, diagnosis, management, and prevention of disease and injury among travelers. It is an academic discipline that requires a reference textbook that keeps pace with constantly changing trends Target Selective Inhibitor Library ic50 in disease and injury. The third edition of the Manual of Travel Medicine satisfies the requirement for a ready reference source of information on important disease and injury concerns relevant to the pre- and post-travel consultation, as well as provides a framework for the delivery of this information. This Australian textbook should not be confused with the Manual of Travel Medicine and Health, which has been reviewed elsewhere.[1] This third edition of the Manual of Travel Medicine has a dedication, a table of contents, a section on vaccine terminology and abbreviations, a preface, a section about the authors, nine chapters, six appendices, a list of key readings, and a comprehensive index. In addition, it has an attractive cover that includes a picture of part of the Great Wall of China. There is no foreword, list of tables, or figures. The structure of the third edition of the Manual of Travel Medicine is similar to that of the second edition,[2] except that it now has a dedicated chapter to the post-travel health issues plus

the book has swollen in size by about 80 pages. Chapters include “Principles of Pre-travel Health Care”; “Immunisation”; “Malaria Prevention”; “Travellers’ Diarrhoea”; “Non-vaccine-preventable

Demeclocycline Adriamycin supplier Infections”; “Non-infectious Problems”; “Travellers with Special Needs”; “Health Issues in Returned Travellers”; and “Resources for Travel Health Information.” The Appendices include “Common Travel Destinations”; “Infection-distribution Maps”; “Countries: Vaccine Recommendations and Rabies Status”; “Malaria Risk by Country and Recommendations for Chemoprophylaxis”; “Vaccines: Routes, Schedule, Lower Age Limit, Accelerated Regimens”; and “Vaccine Introduction and Use in Australia. The third edition of the Manual of Travel Medicine is easy reading and consistent in its approach. Highlights include the extensive use of summary tips and provision of key and further readings. At 141 pages, more than one third of the textbook, the chapter on immunization is one of the most comprehensive A–Z of vaccine preventable diseases found in any travel medicine textbook. Other points of interest include a section on visiting friends and relatives. The third edition would not be a major reference on first aid, safety, finding medical assistance abroad, emergency assistance and aeromedical evacuation, travel insurance, and fitness to dive. Apart from the disease distribution maps in Appendix 2, there are no figures or photographs in the textbook. The third edition of Manual of Travel Medicine is written by leading medical staff based in Melbourne, Australia.